Board of Directors

Per Lundin

Dr. Per Lundin is Co-Founder & Chief Business Officer of Evox Therapeutics Ltd. He has ~15 years’ experience founding, leading and advising biotech companies developing advanced therapies. Prior to co-founding and building out Evox, he founded and led IsletOne Therapeutics, a cell therapy company developing allogeneic cell therapies for autoimmune and inflammatory diseases, and ultimately … Read more

Martin Andrews

Martin is a respected commercial leader with a strong track record in strategy development and operational delivery most recently as Senior Vice President, Rare Diseases at GlaxoSmithKline, where he oversaw the development and launch of Strimvelis, the world’s first life-saving gene therapy for children. He currently serves on the Board of Freeline Therapeutics.

Evan Caplan

Evan is a Principal on the private investment team at OrbiMed, a leading healthcare investment firm.

Alex Hammacher

Alex is Head of Strategy and Corporate Development at Oxford Science Enterprises, the life science and deep tech investment company based in Oxford. He currently serves on the Board of Vaccitech plc.

Amrit Nagpal

Amrit is a Managing Director, Private Investments at Redmile Group, LLC, a healthcare-focused investment firm based in San Francisco and New York.

Sarah Gordon Wild

Sarah has worked on Wall Street for over 15 years and was Managing Director, Management Committee Member and Senior Healthcare Analyst at Lone Pine Capital LLC from 1998 to 2003. She is also currently on the board of Oxford Nanopore and Redx.