Our Science

What Are Exosomes?
Exosomes are increasingly seen as foundational transporters in the communication machinery of the human body. Our technology development focuses on exploiting this natural mechanism to create a novel form of biotherapeutics, for example to achieve the transport of different genome editor technologies.

Crucially, exosomes have also been found to improve the uptake of molecules across natural barriers such as the blood-brain barrier. Evox combines the highly versatile delivery capabilities of exosomes with targeting technology and sophisticated biomolecular engineering approaches. This, together with large-scale production methodologies, puts us at the forefront of developing natural delivery capabilities of exosomes for the treatment of severe diseases.
With its roots firmly grounded in two world-renowned academic institutions – Oxford University and the Karolinska Institute – Evox is driven by a dedication to scientific excellence and to pushing the scientific frontier together with an ecosystem of academic partners and collaborators worldwide.